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Election Results - 2023 AMFA 14 Officers and Representatives
Dec 04, 2023


AMFA Local 14 Officer Election Results

The votes for the AMFA Local 14 Officer Election were tallied on October 24th, 2023.

Contested Positions

Votes for this election were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows: 

361 ballots submitted of 731 eligible voters – 49% participation

ASA – Airline Representative:
Votes tallied                 342
Jarod Mills                                                112 votes 32.75%
Brandon Statfield                                    230 votes 67.25%

ASA – Airline Contract Committee
Votes tallied                 342
Michael Heasley Jr.                                   97 votes 28.36%
Steve Green                                            245 votes 71.64%

Votes tallied                 838
Daniel Becker                                               93 votes 11.10%
Michael Good                                           204 votes 24.34%
Birgit Longman                                        236 
votes 28.16%
Kolbi Tabakci                                               99 votes 11.81%
Nicholas Ward                                          206 votes 24.58%

Votes for this election were counted and certified by Unions-America via www.amfa14.org 
35 ballots submitted of 161 eligible voters – 22% participation

Horizon Air Outstation Member at Large
Votes tallied                35

This elected position is on the final day of voting via the amfa14.org website "voting area".
Awaiting the final tally deadline of 19:00 PST, 10/24/2023

James Lambert                                 20 votes 57.14%
Matt Harper                                    6 votes 17.14%
Brian Mason                                    9 votes 25.71%

Uncontested Positions

Vice President
Jason Munson

Alan Brad Moreno

Safety & Standards Chairman
Fred Baisch

Horizon Air Airline Representative
Chuck Clum

AMFA 14 Delegates*
Nic Kula
Tim Cullen
Jason Munson

Tommy Price
Brad Fornelius

*Nomination forms for the position of AMFA Local 14 Delegate were sent to the membership on July 31st, 2023. Per the AMFA Constitution and the AMFA Local 14 Bylaws, Local 14 is allotted a total of three (3-qty) primary and two (2-qty) alternates as representatives for AMFA Local 14 at the AMFA National Convention in May, 2024.  Each nominee below submitted a signed Willingness to Serve form, with the option of selecting the intent of which delegate position to hold (primary or alternate). As the number of available positions matches the number of candidates willing to serve for the respective positions, these names did not appear on the ballot. 

 The term of service for these positions will commence upon the swearing in at the Regular Membership Meeting in January 2024.

Tommy Price
AMFA Local 14 Secretary


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Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Local 14
2800 S 192nd St
Seatac, WA 98188

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