Alaska Airlines has issued us the task cards we need to comply with the AD issued by the FAA. AMFA is proud to say we are the right technicians for the job. While completing this work please remember, go step by step through the card. Be methodical. Take your time. Ask questions. Step away and re-group if you’re tired. Stop the operation if necessary. The Chief Inspector has insisted we have complete and diligent compliance with the AD regardless of the pressures that are imposed on our work group.
Alaska has planned on at least 12 hours to complete each aircraft. Don’t feel pressured to meet this number. It’s more important to get it right. The beginning of our mission statement says: “To safeguard, with ceaseless vigilance, the safety of the flying public and the air transportation industry.”
Here’s a quote from Don Wright, “We are not going to rush through this, instead we're going to take the time to get this right to ensure the safety and compliance of our fleet.”
Take him at his word.
Work safe, work compliant, take your time and go line by line in the taskcard to get this and all critical jobs done correctly.