AMFA Informational Webinar
Alaska - Hawaiian Merger
Location: Alaska Hangar Breakroom & Zoom
When: Monday, December 30th, 2024
Time: 07:00 AM PST & 11:00 AM PST
AMFA leadership will be hosting and in-person/webinar event for members to have the
opportunity to learn about the Alaska-Hawaiian merger.
Despite this being hosted at the Alaska SEA Hangar breakroom, this will be a public event,
and it is also open to Hawaiian techs. To help understand the truth of the merger process,
we are strongly encouraging our membership to attend this meeting either in-person or to
login to the Zoom meeting using the link or QR code below.
Individuals that are logged in with their credentials will be able to ask questions via the
chat section, or in-person.
Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android: